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Alcumus member benefits
With Alcumus ISOQAR membership, you can enjoy a wide range of benefits, savings and rewards.
Tradepoint card
As a TradePoint member through Alcumus HR and Health and Safety Consultancy you can now enjoy 10% discount on practically every product across B&Q and TradePoint. Plus, there’s no minimum...
Exclusive discount fuel cards
ISOQAR customers can enjoy savings of up to 5p per litre, and up to 10p per litre at motorway pumps, with a free no-obligation fuel card from leading independent fuel card...
IAN consultancy network
Alcumus ISOQAR provides a database of third-party consultants to guide you through the process of implementing your management system.
Refer a business
Refer a business to ISOQAR and you’ll both receive a £150 Amazon e-card. Do you know a business that’s looking to get ISO certified? Or do you know someone who’s looking...
Alcumus Safecontractor
Demonstrate your commitment to health and safety with our market leading accreditation.
Discounted training from ISOQAR
Alcumus Academy is the training provider of Alcumus ISOQAR. Alcumus Academy delivers a wide range of ISO certification training and auditing solutions, that upskill your employees to help your organisation become safer, healthier and...
Alcumus ISOQAR reserves the right to remove or change any member benefit at any time.
Consultants and other 3rd parties are excluded from these benefits.
For more information of the benefits available to Consultants please visit our dedicated IAN pages or call us on 0161 865 3699.
Ready to go? Start your journey with Alcumus ISOQAR today
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